Munali Coffee Farm, Plot 493a Mazabuka (details on our website under contact)
Speciality Items
Vegetable seedlings and herbs

About the Company
FleurHerbia, founded in 2012 with a deep reverence for nature, is dedicated to supplying high-quality products from the farm to both the Zambian and international markets.
Nestled at an altitude of about 1130 meters, Munali Coffee Farm, where FleurHerbia is based, cultivates an array of flowers, vegetable seed crops, seedlings, wheat, soya and coffee. With a committed team of 24 workers, FleurHerbia's farm, 'Mubuyu,' rests 80 kilometers south of Lusaka, on the route to Victoria Falls, situated on a fertile plateau near the historic Munali mountain pass—where David Livingstone first laid eyes on the Kafue River during his trans-Africa journey in 1855.
The farm adheres to rigorous ethical farming practices, benefiting the local community and meeting internationally recognized criteria. Annually, FleurHerbia produces flower and vegetable seeds for European seed companies. These seeds undergo meticulous pre-cleaning, packaging, and are shipped overseas.